Member-only story
No, I Don’t Want Equality In Your System, I Want OUR System!
“I do think that women could make politics irrelevant
By as a kind of spontaneous cooperative action
The like of which we have never seen
Which is so far from people’s ideas of state structure
And vital social structure that seems to them like total anarchy
And what it really is is very subtle forms of interrelation
Which do not follow a sort of hierarchical pattern which is
Fundamentally patriarchal
The opposite of patriarchy is not matriarchy but fraternity
And I think it’s women who are going to have to
Break this spiral of power
And find the trick of cooperation.” Germaine Greer
Speaking on Sinead O’Connor’s album, Universal Mother
As a child, as most likely every child does, I condemned war. My reasoning then, as now, was a simple equation. Stop making war, feed the starving, save the world. How can we consider ourselves civilized if we make war? The adults told me I was too young to understand. This kind of patronizing attitude is still going on, and it is no mistake that patronizing has the same root as patriarchy. Women can’t understand, oh no? People seem to forget that…