Hi. I'm Lucinda Cook. I include my middle name, (Munro) on Medium to distinguish me from all the other Lucinda Cooks. (Emigrants to Australia in the 1800's often gave an ancestral surname to their children as their middle name, and the tradition lives on).

I'm fifth-generation Australian-born, and now an Irish Citizen, but I'm a TCK, (a Third Culture Kid), so I don't really have one nationality to claim-- I went to 17 schools on 4 continents by age 17. I am now 64.

I began on Medium by serialising my book here, The Mobicorikon: Understanding Quantum Physics Through Crochet. The goal is to pique both the interest of quantum physicists in crochet, and crocheters in quantum physics.

But that has taken a back seat, and now I focus mostly on writing Memoir stories. I've led an unusual life, and have plenty of fodder.

Here is A Friend Link to let non-members read The Introduction to The Mobicorikon:

Here is a short video to watch of a Mobius Recycler

Medium member since January 2023
Friend of Medium since December 2023
Connect with Lucinda Munro Cook